Meetings of the Central Louisiana Orchid Society
The Central Louisiana Orchid Society meets monthly in the Youth Building at St. James Episcopal Church, located at 1546 Albert St. in Alexandria. See the map at right for directions. Each meeting provides fellowship and the opportunity for further education of orchid growing through monthly programs. We have members from all over the state with a wide range of orchid growing experience. Also, many of our meetings offer a chance to take home more plants to add to your collection through raffles. The society invites all who are interested in orchids to attend, from beginning hobbyists to professional growers. We look forward to meeting you! **Next Meeting** Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 2:30 pm Program: Brassavola Orchids and Broughtonia sanguinea Presenter: Eron Borne Brassavola orchids are known as the "spiders and stars" of the orchid world. Their elegant but intriguing shapes make a very special addition to your orchid collection. If anyone has seen many Broughtonia sanguineas, you know that they are the kaleidoscope of the orchid world. Join us as Eron delves into some of these spectacular orchids! Meetings begin at 2:30 on the third Sunday of each month and are open to the general public. Doors open at 2:00 and we encourage all members to bring orchids to display during our meetings. All plants brought for Show and Tell judging must be entered by 2:15. Light refreshments are served after the program.
Also, two of the meetings each year differ from the rest. In the spring we tour a member's greenhouse and have a re-potting session. Then in December we have our annual Christmas Party. Gremillon Trophy
This trophy is given to the person who accrues the most points throughout the year. Points are earned by attending meetings and bringing plants for Show and Tell. Members vote monthly on the plants for Best Grown and Best Flowers on the Show and Tell table. Points are also given for overall Best Grown Plant, and for First, Second and Third place flowers in the Cattleya division and the Other Genera division. |
Membership Anyone with an interest in orchids is encouraged to join the CLOS.
Annual Dues Individual: $20 Family: $25 Membership in the CLOS also includes your membership in the Southwest Regional Orchid Growers Association(SWROGA.) Just fill out the form below and send with your dues to the address on the form. You can also bring it to our next meeting or use the Contact Us form for more information. ![]()